Monday, October 24, 2011

Square One

I'm about an hour away from my first gym session. I spent the weekend figuring out my starting weights for each exercise and preparing for Occam's Protocol. The beginning is upon us.

Starting Body Weight: 147.8 lbs
A little more than expected. Hmm.

Starting weights per exercise:

  • Overhead Shoulder Press: 60 lbs.
  • Supinated Pulldown: 95 lbs.
  • Slight-incline Chest Press: 130 lbs.
  • Leg Press: 100 lbs.
Now comes the part all you ladies have been waiting for.
Such unbridled masculinity! O, rue the day this image had been taken, for surely none after it could so uplift the aggregate sexiness of the Internet
Tonight I'll post about my workout, and introduce the ignorant among you to the best thing on the internet.